Rubber Ducky Cult Banner

Solana: 8Lb4E4ks8TWgyfnCqefPWAkqMGNzzf1Codd34z5t919x

Rubber Ducky Cult Logo
Ducky Rituals #14
Ducky Rituals #14
Mint Now

Rubber Ducky Cult

Ticker: $DUCKY

Now Listed on CMC

Dex ScreenerdextoolsCGCMCRadium


Burned Value




Soft launch + update all socials
Make memes
Submit applications to search engines (Coingecko, Coinmarketcap, etc.)
Telegram over 1000
Gather artist for upcoming NFTs
Make more memes
Make a 2D Ducky game


Disclaimers and Disclosures

Crypto currencies can be volatile and can result in losses. $DUCKY token is a utilty token and should not be used as an investment tool. $DUCKY tokens are not representations or stake percentage of a company or $DUCKY. $DUCKY tokens are a medium of exchange for products and services within $DUCKY Ecosytem. Nothing on this site constitutes as financial advice or any other professional advice. Losses can and are likely to occur and due to this, $DUCKY does not compensate for losses. By interacting with this contract you are consenting and accepting notice of this disclaimer and disclosure that you are interacting with this smart contract at your own risks. $DUCKY or its staff, founder, and or affiliates, participates, users of any kind interacting, transacting, buying, selling, utilizing, extracting liquidity, whether for business or personal use remain a reality in this eco system. Users will casually buy or sell to complete transactions privately or publicly. Be aware there are and will always be users between all parties purchasing, selling, or utilizing our tokens as means of payments for goods or services whereby selling tokens to extract liquidity to pay for those goods/services or adopting or accepting our currency as payment leads to extraction of liquidity, As stated above $DUCKY tokens are not an investment tool and often are in use of credits within our community as a currency. Turbulence in marketplace, loss of value or even 100% losses can occur due to a variety of forces Our Founder and our community adopted this currency and want to ensure transparency in meaning, usecase, and probability of occurances are fully realized utilizing or interacting with our community utilty token $DUCKY. We appreciate your support.